Basic Composition of 3D shapes
Here you will learn all about the various parts that come together in order to create a solid figure.
An edge is a line that connects two consequtive vertices.
A face is a 2- dimensional individual surface/plane of any solid object.
So for example, a face of a cube would be a square.
Lateral Face
Lateral Edge
The lateral faces of solids are the faces/surfaces that join the bases and in that way are also any other side excluding the bases themselves
A lateral edge is an intersection of two lateral faces or sides (ie. not an intersection with the base)
A vertex is where lines meet on a solid figure. It is every corner where their is more than 2 lines intersecting.
However, some 3D figures do not have vertices. Examples of these include a sphere.
A diagonal is a straight line inside a shape that goes from one corner to another, usually joins two non-consecutive vertices.
The base is a surface, or a face, of a solid object on which the shape stands on.
When dealing with bases of 3D objects such as triangular prisms, one base must be parallel to another. If you think a side is the base, but it does not have another side parallel to it, than it is probably NOT the base. (exceptions include pyramids)
Which one of these faces is the base of this shape?? (picture to the right)